Monday, August 2, 2021

Moving Me (And Everything Else)

There’s something extremely freeing about rearranging/organizing your things. Even when I was still living with my family (a situation that had never been my long-term plan) I could make things feel new and fresh by throwing myself into a weekend-long deep-cleaning spree, shoving all the furniture around and vacuuming to my heart’s content. Because obviously if I’m going to rearrange, I might as well clean, right? 

But the real benefit of the exercise was that I would have moved my bed/dresser/couch around to make the room feel like a new space, something like factory reseting my phone when I’m craving an upgrade but can’t afford it. (It’s not just me, right? Right?)

So yesterday, in a fit of motivation and encouraged by my partner, I got started rearranging our living space. The studio apartment where we live isn’t very big, and with the two of us and the cat, that’s about all the space can hold. But since we just bought a new bed and table (our very first purchases as a couple) we would have to do the old Shove n’ Shuffle anyway. 

It was marvelous fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but it was also exhausting. As you may know, if you’ve ever done it yourself, it’s very easy to make a MASSIVE mess as you “clean” other things, and by the time my energy started to flag, our apartment was an absolute disaster. It still is, actually, but I’m hopeful that we’re on the way to making things much nicer going forward. :D 

Wish us luck, yeah? 

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